Le dimanche 14 janvier 2007 à 17:40 -0600, Daniel Tonda Castillo a
écrit :
> Greetings:
> After the update what do you recommend that the spanish translation team 
> tackle?

The tutorial from the user manual, but you should wait until I've
documented documentation translation.  As I'm very busy, it may take a
week.  In the meantime, you could read and check lilypond.org
translation for possible typos and translation improvements with
Francisco, look at odd jobs proposed by Graham, or prepare future docs
translation by making a translation glossary of music theory and
engraving terms, like one of the French translators Frédéric Chiasson

This kind of glossary is useful to make sure you always translate a
technical word the same way.

John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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