I will comment somehwo more differented later on, now just some short thoughts. 
maybe the best is i would then just read the updated file (as you suggested) 
and make my comments.

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Wed, 03 Jan 2007 00:35:25 +0100
Von: John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
An: Johannes Schindelin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Betreff: Re: German translation help file

> > I'd rather bite the bullet and say
> > 
> > $ git clone -n git://git.sv.gnu.org/lilypond.git
> > $ git checkout -b myweb web/master
> > 
> > This does a little too much, but it is easier than
> > 
> > $ mkdir lilypond
> > $ cd lilypond
> > $ git init-db
> > $ git fetch git://git.sv.gnu.org/lilypond.git web/master:web/master
> > $ git checkout -b myweb web/master
> No, I prefer the cleaner way (and kept them in the revised README), even
> if the bunch of commands may scare newbies; they just need to
> copy'n'paste the commands, so what's the problem?
the point was that I didn't yet know about checkout -- with clone i got a clone 
of the sources, but not of the git as I was using it before, I mean with clone 
I didn't get the web/site and web/de and so on directories. With cogito it 
worked immedeately. but guess the new commands will do their jobs.

> > > Dabei werden einige Dateien erstellt, u.A. auch die Datei, die den
> Namen 
> > > hat, mit dem man git commit ausgeführt hat. Diese Datei wird dann
> per 
> > > E-Mail an lilypond-devel oder lilypond-user eingeschickt.
> > 
> > You should rather mention the commit in the email, but you don't need to
> > write down all forty characters; 8 should be sufficient.
> I always copy'n'paste commit numbers with mouse, so copying 8 or 10 or
> 40 characters is almost the same effort. But in this case, the commit
> numbers are useless, as they may be not the same as those of commits
> made by the git pusher (that's me).
Yes, with "Name" I meant the message you give while commiting, that's how I 
understand now the naming principle while making patches.

> Johannes, thank you very much for all Git support you provided; you
> should be credited in README ;-)
Very good idea!

> Till, I think you needn't bother translating README.de; do it only if it
> seems essential to you.
No, you are quite right, Han-Wen's point was also that the translator anyway 
would understand English. It was just that I didn't understand the README...

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