
On Sun, 12 Dec 2004, Benjamin Esham wrote:

> On Dec 10, 2004, at 9:54 AM, Johannes Schindelin wrote:
> > as suggested on the Wikitech-l list, I converted my patch into an
> > extension for MediaWiki:
> Great!  Hopefully we'll have LilyPond support in Wikipedia and a
> LilyPond wiki
> soon.  Some questions:
> - Does this automatically produce MIDI output?  'Cuz that'd be really
> cool :-)

Not yet. It would be easy, though. How about "<lilymidi>" as tag?

> - How does it handle multi-page output?  Does it just end up as one
> tall image?

Up to now, it only handles the first page. My plan is to make each page an
image, and for multiple pages make a borderless table with those images.

> - This runs in safe mode, right?


> AFAICT, that means that no GUILE expressions are allowed.  Will this
> make it impossible to use #(set-ocavation x)?

I don't know about #(set-octavation x), and I don't know anything about
GUILE in safe mode. Gurus: this is a question for you.

> > Now the request for comments: How about a wiki on www.lilypond.org
> > using this extension?
> Personally, I think this would be awesome-- it would be a lot easier for
> people to share tips and tricks, and to some extent it would reduce the
> need for attachments on the mailing list (which are off right now, of
> course).

If you want to share special tricks, GUILE sure would be fun.


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