Johannes Schindelin writes:

> Unfortunately not. Brion, the main maintainer, responded to me publicly
> saying that by not subscribing to wikitech-l and posting the extension to
> this list was not according to netiquette.

Strange.  Is that really what happened, did you get any support from
the community?

If you do not want outsiders to post to your list(even if they do not
try to sell v1agra), you should just configure the list that way,

Is this list archived?

> I have been ignored since. Even if I subscribed and apologized.

I'm quite sorry to hear that.  Maybe there's a grudge against
LilyPond, and not so much against your extension ;-)

> IMHO the LilyPond extension is much easier and cleaner than the Wikitex
> implementation for music. Wikitex added support for LilyPond mainly
> "because we could do it". Seeing the direction of LilyPond away from TeX,
> I like my approach better.

> And I didn't disable GUILE completely, but rely
> on the safe mode -- which is the whole purpose of safe mode.


> What I am going to add in the next days is the <lilymidi> tag (no
> <lilypond midi=true> as MediaWiki doesn't support attributes for
> extensions), and the support for more than one page of output.

Is this the right approach?  Maybe you could (still) try to discuss
this with mediawiki developers, because an attribute does seem to be
the cleaner solution.

> As I made an extension of it, it's no problem to update MediaWiki and
> retaining LilyPond support.

Yes, I understand.  But native support sounds better.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter       |

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