> When I sent the first revision of this patch, it was rejected since
> the resulting ledger lines had sharp edges, although the draw_box
> routine in music-drawing-routines.ps seemed to regard blotdiameter.
> In the meantime, draw_box seems to consider blotdiameter (at least
> with the environment of my machine).  Though a faced a couple of new
> problems that I would like to discuss.

I have one question: can you change the implementation of rounded box?
The separate dots look strange when you view it in GS with
antialiasing on. I prefer that a filled path drawn with a round pen is used.
> To circumvent this situation, I would like to suggest a different
> model for "blotting" an existing shape: given an arbitrary shape, just
> move a pencircle of size blotdiameter around the outline of this shape
> to create a blotted shape.  In the case of draw_box, this leads to the
> following model:
>   __________________________
>  /     \  ^           /     \
> |         |blot              |
> |   +   | |dia       |   +---|------
> |         |meter             |     ^
> |\ _ _ /  v           \ _ _ /|     |
> |                            |     |
> |                            |     | Box
> |                    <------>|     | extent
> |                      blot  |     | (Y_AXIS)
> |                    diameter|     |
> |                            |     |
> |  _ _                  _ _  |     |
> |/     \              /     \|     |
> | (0,0)                      |     v
> |   x   |            |   +---|------
> |   |                    |   |
>  \__|__/______________\__|__/
>     |                    |
>     |                    |
>     |                    |
>     |<------------------>|
>       Box extent(X_AXIS)

I talked this over with Jan, and basically we think this is a bad idea
in general, since it means that you don't know how large a molecule is
-- this will lead to problems if you want to align objects with
different blot diameters. Like Rune said, it is better to have an
explicit overlap. You can also simulate the effect that you want, by
using a negative padding (of - blot/2) when combining the molecules.


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen/

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