> >
> > yes -- but I could not find a direction for the whole, grob, so the
> > stem- prefix looks superfluous.
> >
> Mmh, well, yes.  The porrectus itself just has no direction.

the probem is that we get a confusing tangle of properties if we
give them exact names. We'd get 20 different sorts of directions. I
think it is better to reduce the number of variable names.

> > The patch looks good. I'm putting it in.
> Thanks.  Actually, I already feared that it still would be (at least
> partially) rejected, since it still does not solve all problems...

.. I forgot the exact reason why I rejected  the last one, but this
one looks as if it will improve the general state of lily, so that's
not too bad.


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen/

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