On 7/9/24 04:58, Nathan Willis via License-discuss wrote:
It is specifically for a "functional specification", which individual software implementers might implement separately in their own environments or software stacks, but which (unlike, say, a network protocol) are not going to directly interface with other implementations. And to be usable for free software, naturally (although *not* requiring every implementer to swear to any particular software licensing ethos).
Surely this ground has been covered already by specification organizations like the IETF? What do they do?
-- Josh Berkus _______________________________________________ The opinions expressed in this email are those of the sender and not necessarily those of the Open Source Initiative. Official statements by the Open Source Initiative will be sent from an opensource.org email address. License-discuss mailing list License-discuss@lists.opensource.org http://lists.opensource.org/mailman/listinfo/license-discuss_lists.opensource.org