(Private response) I think I mean something that can reasonably *be valued as money by the > original licensor*, even if in bitcoins or future promised revenue (or " > peppercorns <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peppercorn_(legal)>" <-- > follow that link). >
In Ellis Peters's mystery novel _The Rose Rent_ the rent on a cottage is a single rose payable annually from a particular rose bush that climbs along a wall of the cottage. The mystery is "Who chopped down the rose bush?" On the other hand, Lon Fuller said in 1941 already, with pardonable exaggeration, that consideration was as much a matter of form as seal. (My dad quoted him in one of his articles.) -- John Cowan http://vrici.lojban.org/~cowan co...@ccil.org One Word to write them all / One Access to find them, One Excel to count them all / And thus to Windows bind them. --Mike Champion
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