On Fri, 2014-06-06 at 07:50 +0200, Winfried Donkers wrote:
> Hi Kohei,
> > > Yes. I'm almost certain that some enterprise users actually use this 
> > > feature.
> > I'd like to know they still exist though, rather than speculating that they 
> > still do.
> I hate to disappoint you, but the company I work with does.

Good.  Now I have someone real I can ask.

Can I ask in what use case this feature is used?  Why does your use case
require that copying and sorting have to be done in one step, rather
than in two separate steps?

> And I would think that LibreOffice would aim to comply fully with ODF, even 
> if that aim is never 100% reachable.
> (Making some features less prominent (as in hiding deep in the menu) because 
> they are rarely used and have an awkward UI is fine for me.)

Now, it's important to point out that ODF specifies the content of a
document, not the features of an application that produces it.  It's
easy to be ODF complient without implementing this specific
"feature" (by handling it during load and save).  Let's not confuse this


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