Hi Kohei,

On Thursday, 2014-06-05 13:33:13 -0400, Kohei Yoshida wrote:

> In Calc, you can go to Data -> Sort, and choose to copy the sorted
> results to someplace else, rather than the default option of sorting in
> place.
> I'm just wondering if anyone would miss this feature if it got removed.

It is even defined in ODF, <table:sort attribute
table:target-range-address=...>, it is part of a <table:database-range>
element, and if the source range is modified choosing menu Data ->
Refresh Range will update the target range with the current sorted data.

> The UI is a bit awkward, and not clear what the associated two fields
> (left drop-down and right input fields) are supposed to take.

Left drop-down list has defined (DB) range names, right input field
takes the top-left cell address of the output range.

> Also, handling this option internally would require quite some extra
> effort, which, when one is trying to fix issues associted with this,
> would pose a greater risk of breaking things.
> Any objections for removing this?

Yes. I'm almost certain that some enterprise users actually use this


LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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