Stefan Knorr (Astron) wrote 9 maart 2012 
> Would you mind using COL_RED instead of COL_LIGHTRED? (LIGHTRED on
> YELLOW is mostly a colour contrast, thus people that only recognise
> shades of grey, will not be able to discern between the colours easily
> enough. [1])

I don't mind. it was just a simple demo and I liked the idea even more after 
running writer. Much less mouse clicks to mark some text, or a cell in calc or 
a table. :)

> >> Or could we consider using a checquered (gray/white) bitmap, like
> >> used in GIMP for transparent?
> I can only concur. I've made a quick mock-up, see attached file. I am
> unsure if it is easy enough to discern the chequerboard pattern at the
> 6*22/4*16 scale of our icons, though. What do you think?

I have not looked into this idea of me further than ventilating the thought. I 
also don't know how may bitmaps there are (and where) in the code for 
COL_TRANSPARENT, there are at least the buttons and the palette(s).
But - (a large part of) the confusion was caused by my negligence, when I typed 
COL_GRAY instead of COL_TRANSPARENT for the initial colour on the button. In 
the attachement you can see 2 buttons, one with transparent (black border) and 
one with gray (no border). Perhaps this will be clear enough, especially when 
we decide to use COL_RED and COL_YELLOW as initial colours for the buttons?


<<attachment: buttons.png>>

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