>> In Excel, the default background colour seems to
>>be yellow, so let's do something similar here – I don't like yellow
>>per se, but Excel users are probably used to yellow, so no need to
>>break the functionality for them.
>>So, I'd propose to use either "Yellow" or "Chart 3" as the default.

I did some thinking (some, not a lot) on this matter.
It seems that the default colour for font and line colour buttons is black and 
for background buttons (highlight excepted) is transparent.
That does not look usefull to me, is these are bound to be the default colours 
of font, line, background anyway.
Isn't it a better idea to set the default colours as a contrastong colour (eg 
COL_RED for font/line and COL_YELLOW for background) so that users can 'mark' 
sections without choosing a colour?

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