> >>> In Excel, the default background colour seems to
> >>>be yellow, so let's do something similar here – I don't like yellow
> >>>per se, but Excel users are probably used to yellow, so no need to
> >>>break the functionality for them.
> >>>So, I'd propose to use either "Yellow" or "Chart 3" as the default.
> >
> > I did some thinking (some, not a lot) on this matter.
> > It seems that the default colour for font and line colour buttons is
> > black and for background buttons (highlight excepted) is transparent.
> > That does not look usefull to me, is these are bound to be the
> default
> > colours of font, line, background anyway.
> > Isn't it a better idea to set the default colours as a contrastong
> > colour (eg COL_RED for font/line and COL_YELLOW for background) so
> that
> > users can 'mark' sections without choosing a colour?
> To illustrate my suggestion, see attached diff file, which incidently
> also shows why Astron and Ivan where confused by the gray colour in the
> background button...
> I will fix that with my next split button patch.
> Winfried

This time with attachment...

Attachment: 45671-default_colours.diff
Description: 45671-default_colours.diff

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