Interesting, I'll take a look at those documents. I had actually
initially thought that adding something to the BASIC language would be
more controversial than adding a calc cell function :) Has there been
any discussion on where these types of additions should go in the

August Sodora
(201) 280-8138

On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 7:20 AM, Regina Henschel
<> wrote:
> Hi August,
> August Sodora schrieb:
>> I came across this feature request today and decided to try my hand at
>> it. Is the attached patch an appropriate solution?
> I understand now, that you will do BASIC and CALC at the same time.
> For CALC there are some problems. A function FRAC is not defined in ODF1.2
> [1]. So it has to be written different. For OOo that has been
> (for example). But I'm not sure, whether the same
> should be done for LO, or whether it should be org.libreoffice, or more
> general org.documentfoundation.
> The new function need to be known to the function wizard, see [2] chapter 3.
> [1]
> [2]
> Kind regards
> Regina
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