> Actually change of the default value of _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL (which, as
> far as I understand it, is the MSVC's equivalent of _GLIBCXX_DEBUG)

Hmm, isn't it just _DEBUG ? Anyway, now that you say that, I come to
think that in order to make a few files compile with -D_DEBUG at all,
I had to in them do an explicit


I wonder if that affects the layout of some structs/classes? In that
case of course compiling just some source files with this would cause
horrible run-time crashes... (Or does it just, as I assumed, mean that
the methods in the headers that get used aren't quite as eager as with
just _DEBUG to verify that they are being called correctly.)

(I don't remember seeing that _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL in the Microsoft
C++ library headers; will have a look again.)

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