Le 08/10/2014 10:53, Sophie a écrit :
> Hi all,
> Le 08/10/2014 10:44, Michael Meeks a écrit :
>> Hi Jean-Baptiste,
>> On Wed, 2014-10-08 at 07:28 +0200, Jean-Baptiste Faure wrote:
>>> I do not know where to write in the agenda, so I do my suggestion here:
>>      Ah - in general anywhere in the middle is fine - the action items we
>> try to do while people turn up - to keep the call short.
> Just for information, I've added the link to Jean-Baptiste message on
> the QA part of the pad, so you have it at hand if Jean-Baptiste can't
> attend.
Thank you Sophie :-)
I can't attend the call because I will have a professional meeting at
the same time.

I think we will have a big marketink/communication problem with a lot of
duplicates of bug 81633 until spring 2015 if the commit for bug 81309 is
not reverted in 4.2.7 and 4.3.3 for which it is only a partial "fix". So
the problem is not a Calc only problem, especially when Calc developers
don't want to be in CC for these Calc bugs.

In other words, what should I answer on users mailing list when a user
says that his spreadsheets that worked fine since years, suddenly do not
work anymore? It is not my job to support a decision which is not mine.

Best regards.

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