I took a liberty to correct two minor things in LFS development. I
apologize for that, but it was really minor.

Doing that, I've minimized differences between development and systemd
branches. The attached patch shows what has been added or removed from
the main branch during the systemd development. Thanks Bruce for letting
me merge some changes into development version too. I'd still like to
further minimize changes between shared files as much as possible, but
that might need some rewording, ie not mentioning bootscripts and such.
I don't think it's really worth, but I welcome it.

Note: My last name is not Krejzi.
--- a/chapter05/gettext.xml	2013-12-29 12:00:30.512832883 +0100
+++ b/chapter05/gettext.xml	2013-12-11 00:40:46.090529990 +0100
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
     <title>Installation of Gettext</title>
     <para>For our temporary set of tools, we only need to build and install
-    one binary from Gettext.</para>
+    three programs from Gettext.</para>
     <para>Prepare Gettext for compilation:</para>
@@ -76,16 +76,19 @@
     <para>Compile the package:</para>
 <screen><userinput remap="make">make -C gnulib-lib
-make -C src msgfmt</userinput></screen>
+make -C src msgfmt
+make -C src msgmerge
+make -C src xgettext</userinput></screen>
-    <para>As only one binary has been compiled, it is not possible to run the
+    <para>As only three programs have been compiled, it is not possible to run the
     test suite without compiling additional support libraries from the Gettext
     package. It is therefore not recommended to attempt to run the test suite at
     this stage.</para>
-    <para>Install the <command>msgfmt</command> binary:</para>
+    <para>Install the <command>msgfmt</command>, <command>msgmerge</command> and
+     <command>xgettext</command> programs:</para>
-<screen><userinput remap="install">cp -v src/msgfmt /tools/bin</userinput></screen>
+<screen><userinput remap="install">cp -v src/{msgfmt,msgmerge,xgettext} /tools/bin</userinput></screen>
diff -Naur a/chapter06/coreutils.xml b/chapter06/coreutils.xml
--- a/chapter06/coreutils.xml	2014-02-18 22:38:54.538587309 +0100
+++ b/chapter06/coreutils.xml	2014-02-17 02:07:03.896550197 +0100
@@ -119,19 +119,11 @@
 <screen><userinput remap="install">mv -v /usr/bin/{cat,chgrp,chmod,chown,cp,date,dd,df,echo} /bin
 mv -v /usr/bin/{false,ln,ls,mkdir,mknod,mv,pwd,rm} /bin
-mv -v /usr/bin/{rmdir,stty,sync,true,uname,test,[} /bin
+mv -v /usr/bin/{rmdir,stty,sync,true,uname} /bin
 mv -v /usr/bin/chroot /usr/sbin
 mv -v /usr/share/man/man1/chroot.1 /usr/share/man/man8/chroot.8
 sed -i s/\"1\"/\"8\"/1 /usr/share/man/man8/chroot.8</userinput></screen>
-    <para>Some of the scripts in the LFS-Bootscripts package depend on
-    <command>head</command>, <command>sleep</command>, and
-    <command>nice</command>.  As <filename class="directory">/usr</filename>
-    may not be available during the early stages of booting, those binaries
-    need to be on the root partition:</para>
-<screen><userinput remap="install">mv -v /usr/bin/{head,sleep,nice} /bin</userinput></screen>
   <sect2 id="contents-coreutils" role="content">
diff -Naur a/chapter06/createfiles.xml b/chapter06/createfiles.xml
--- a/chapter06/createfiles.xml	2013-12-29 12:00:30.970837731 +0100
+++ b/chapter06/createfiles.xml	2014-02-18 22:37:45.521295389 +0100
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
 <screen><userinput>cat &gt; /etc/passwd &lt;&lt; "EOF"
+messagebus:x:18:18:D-Bus Message Daemon User:/var/run/dbus:/bin/false
 nobody:x:99:99:Unprivileged User:/dev/null:/bin/false</literal>
@@ -92,6 +93,9 @@
diff -Naur a/chapter06/findutils.xml b/chapter06/findutils.xml
--- a/chapter06/findutils.xml	2014-02-18 19:07:23.843284627 +0100
+++ b/chapter06/findutils.xml	2014-02-18 01:43:57.808208784 +0100
@@ -73,15 +73,6 @@
 <screen><userinput remap="install">make install</userinput></screen>
-    <para>Some of the scripts in the LFS-Bootscripts package depend on
-    <command>find</command>.  As <filename class="directory">/usr</filename>
-    may not be available during the early stages of booting, this program
-    needs to be on the root partition.  The <command>updatedb</command>
-    script also needs to be modified to correct an explicit path:</para>
-<screen><userinput remap="install">mv -v /usr/bin/find /bin
-sed -i 's/find:=${BINDIR}/find:=\/bin/' /usr/bin/updatedb</userinput></screen>
   <sect2 id="contents-findutils" role="content">
diff -Naur a/chapter06/glibc.xml b/chapter06/glibc.xml
--- a/chapter06/glibc.xml	2014-02-18 22:15:16.655023363 +0100
+++ b/chapter06/glibc.xml	2014-02-18 22:26:02.433137754 +0100
@@ -181,6 +181,11 @@
 <screen><userinput remap="install">cp -v ../glibc-&glibc-version;/nscd/nscd.conf /etc/nscd.conf
 mkdir -pv /var/cache/nscd</userinput></screen>
+    <para>Install the Systemd support files for <command>nscd</command>:</para>
+<screen><userinput remap="install">install -v -Dm644 ../glibc-&glibc-version;/nscd/nscd.tmpfiles /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/nscd.conf
+install -v -Dm644 ../glibc-&glibc-version;/nscd/nscd.service /lib/systemd/system/nscd.service</userinput></screen>
     <para>The locales that can make the system respond in a different language
     were not installed by the above command. None of the locales are required,
     but if some of them are missing, test suites of the future packages would
@@ -263,7 +268,7 @@
 group: files
 shadow: files
-hosts: files dns
+hosts: files dns myhostname
 networks: files
 protocols: files
@@ -347,7 +352,7 @@
     <para>Then create the <filename>/etc/localtime</filename> file by
-<screen><userinput>cp -v /usr/share/zoneinfo/<replaceable>&lt;xxx&gt;</replaceable> /etc/localtime</userinput></screen>
+<screen><userinput>ln -sfv /usr/share/zoneinfo/<replaceable>&lt;xxx&gt;</replaceable> /etc/localtime</userinput></screen>
     <para>Replace <replaceable>&lt;xxx&gt;</replaceable> with the name of the
     time zone selected (e.g., Canada/Eastern).</para>

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