On 2 August 2010 15:56, linux fan <linuxscra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I use a find-before and a find-after and then process the diff with
> awk which enables me to detect whether a file was new or modified. It
> only serves as a reality check before I start deleting (uninstall). By
> the way, I put the md5sum in the list which enables detection of files
> that were modified, hopefully by me, hopefully on purpose. It also
> enables detection of files that were not deleted (if uninstalled) due
> to me being "chicken" to delete files in /etc or otherwise. I wouldn't
> want to be without my installation logs. I even use them to make a
> tarballs before uninstalling in case I change my mind.

 Cool.  You've obviously been bitten in the past.  Based on my script
that runs through my audio, video, and photo files every week to
check if md5s exist, and generate them where they don't, I imagine
this will add a significant amount of time to every install ?

 Aside - I rsync all that "data" of mine to an external disk from time to
time, but I eventually realised that if the main version became
corrupted I was just going to roll the corruption out to the copy.

> Kevin Buckley wrote:
>> find / -newer SOME_TIMESTAMP_FILE -ls
>> where SOME_TIMESTAMP_FILE is touched after every package install
>> would seem to do all that one wants.
> Thousands of files may change between installs, especially in BLFS. A
> system is not always built in twenty minutes from start to finish.

 Missed that post.  In my own build scripts (previous version at
http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/~ken/desktop-2010-05/ but a
slightly newer/better version should be there when I've finished
creatting a summary list of packages and versions that I build
after LFS) I have a function to touch almost all header files,
because many of them get installed as they were shipped so
they don't show up.

 I also exclude certain directories, but even so I see a few things
that are unrelated to the install, I certainly wouldn't want to use
my install lists to automatically remove things, and as you've
said it's the files that get *updated* that are the interesting
problem for automated uninstalls.

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