On 28 July 2010 22:52, Yaacov-Yoseph Weiss <yywe...@cs.huji.ac.il> wrote:

> We (at least Jeremy and myself) are referring to package management in
> a way that won't affect regular users at all, except for another optional
> command in each chapter, similar to the current "make test/check"
> commands available today.

I'm _very_ glad you wrote that, because it saved me firing off a "I hate
package management too" response to earlier postings!  FWIW, I *do*
have my own package management in my buildscripts (last released
version in ~/ken but getting a bit old!) - try to touch headers because
they seem to be installed with the shipped dates, then find anything
newer than when I started the build.

 I came to linux via redhat (6.x) and mandrake - at that time, you had to
search to find new versions (particularly, new xfree86 releases), and
every distro had different dependencies - on dial-up, it was one of the
things that brought me to LFS and BLFS (learning to build and minimise
the dependencies).  Later, I had to try ubuntu/debian to get non x86
kit working, and I developed a deep loathing for the intricacies of the
debian package management system, and indeed for debian's general
configurability (/etc/alternatives and so forth), together with a great
respect for their developers supporting multiple architectures and
indeed OS's (hurd, bsd as well as linux).  So, whenever someone here
mentions 'package management' my alarm bells start ringing.

 For the little I've been able to do on BLFS, using DESTDIR is well
worthwhile.  It's of perhaps less use for LFS (use it when building on
current system, and perhaps note different programs or libraries,but
for LFS changes, the key thing is to build LFS with the newer version
of the package, and then ideally build a complete system to see if
anything breaks (for old hands - can you say 'bison' ?)

 So, (and maybe I've misread the thread by skimming it - many of the
posts seem very long), if the upshot is that LFS moves to mentioning
DESTDIR, I think I can live with that.  Adding that to BLFS is a different
matter, and O/T for this list - in any case, BLFS development is stalled.
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