> Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> The user can either open another window or change to another virtual 
> termional,
> cd to /mnt/lfs/wherever, and use the host's more or less.
> Pun intended.


> Now that you point this out, I'm not sure any of the programs in util-linux-ng
> are needed in Chapter 6 before we get to the final installation of 
> util-linux-ng.

>From my tests just now, it appears your hunch is accurate Bruce.  I
just finished cooking the book up to chapter 6's util-linux-ng and had
no problems with the absence of the few tools missing from chapter 5.
I expect you'll have similar results.  I'll probably finish the build
and give it a full whirl tomorrow evening, but the test results all
say it worked fine.

On the issue of more however... personally, I don't see it being
necessary in a toolchain as the host system most likely has it
available.  Plus, it'll be there as soon as you build this package in
chapter 6.  I always do all my editing and viewing of what's going on
from the host system whether I'm in the console or X anyway as a few
of you have mentioned you also do.  For me, more and less do not
affect my lfs build directly whatsoever.

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