Matthew Burgess wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Jul 2009 15:06:43 -0500, Bruce Dubbs <> wrote:
>> Matthew Burgess wrote:
>>> On Tue, 14 Jul 2009 14:37:20 -0500, Bruce Dubbs <>
>> wrote:
>>>> So now the question arises: Do we need util-linux-ng in Chapter 5?
>>> requires a '--bind' capable mount.  So, we'd need mount from
>> util-linux-ng
>>> unless we add that as a host requirement.
>> But we do that before we enter chroot.  It's true that we add /tools/bin
>> to the
>> PATH in section 4.4, but is there a host in use now that we use that
>> doesn't
>> support mount --bind?
>> In any case, do we need more or mkswap?
> I think 'more' was added to aid those wanting to view log files from
> within the chroot env without having to compile 'less' in chapter 5. As
> we were compiling parts of Util-Linux anyway, then adding 'more' was
> pretty trivial.  I tend to use tools from my host to view LFS build
> logs.  I've no idea why mkswap is being compiled...maybe it came from
> some ICA builds and something in chapter 6 needs it, though I can't
> think what that might be.
> Based on the above, I'd be willing to see Util-Linux-NG dropped from chapter
> 5, assuming it causes no regressions, obviously.

I took a look and as best I can tell, --bind was added in 2002 somehere around 
version 2.10.  As a reference, that's about when RedHat 8 and 9 were released 
  LFS 3.1.

I agree.  I'll make a private copy of the book without it and run alfs against 
that in the next couple of days.  I want to wait for Util-Linux-NG which should 
dbe released today or tomorrow.

   -- Bruce
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