Le vendredi 19 juin 2009 18:19:51, Tobias Gasser a écrit :
> meanwhile i found a thread on this list started by nathan coulson about
> the same issue, thus sorry for the noise...
> ..but:
> the blkid is NOT from util-linux-ng as i guessed but from e2fsprogs!
> i tried with the newest versions of e2fsprogs (1.41.6), util-linux-ng
> (2.15.1) and udev (142).
> i tried e2fsprogs to configure with --disable-libblkid, but as there is
> no libblkid available, it fails.
> thus i tried to install util-linux-ng with libblkid and blkid, but i
> found no posibility to get libblkid from util-linux-ng. i found no
> option in the configure script. starting make from within libs/blkid
> fails with "LIBBLKID_VERSION undeclared here" and "LIBBLKID_DATE
> undeclared here".
> removing the e2fsprogs libblkid.so and it's links doesn't force to build
> the libs, but complains about missing libblkid when linking mount.
> actually only e2fsprogs can build a libblkid, and there is no obvious
> way to prevent its build as --disable-libblkid requires an existing
> libblkdid which can't be build from util-linux-ng.
> so i probably have to live without the /dev/disk/by-* links until the
> mess between the three packages is cleand up.

I found my way with those packages, using e2fsprogs-1.41.6 and util-linux-
The trick was to build util-linux-ng _after_ e2fsprogs. I also had to add the  
option --with-fsprobe=builtin while configuring util-linux-ng
> maybe for the time beeing, the following changes should be applied to
> the book:
> udev chapter 6.56
> - remove vol_id and libvolume_id from section 6.26.2
> - add a comment about missing /dev/disk/by*
> util-linux-ng 6.57
> - 2.15.1 works fine here with the instructions given for 2.14.2
> tobias

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