chapter 6.56 / svn-20090611 the vol_id mentionned in the short descriptions does not exist any more. the libvolume_id is missing too.
i guess this is why dev/disk/by-* is incomplete, only by-id and by-path are created but no by-label or by-uuid. i usded the by-label to identify devices and now am missing this feature. according to the change-log, vol_id was dropped and replaced by blkid from then util-linux-ng package. blkid is installed from util-linux-ng 2.14.2 on my system in /sbin/blkid where the *.rules are looking for it. google could not help (at least i could not find anything usefull) maybe we have to add something to the udev-config (i used 20090523 as mentionned in chapter 6.56), or update util-linux-ng to 2.15 or 2.15.1? thanks for any help tobias -- FAQ: Unsubscribe: See the above information page