Dan Nicholson wrote:
On 9/25/06, M.Canales.es <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
El Lunes, 25 de Septiembre de 2006 22:45, Matthew Burgess escribió:

> I was going to simply call it "Linux Headers" and have it being written
> out to "linux_headers.html".  Does that help you at all?

Yes. With that we can know that the needed change is to replace in
get_package_tarball_name() function the line

linux-headers) echo $(grep "^linux-headers.*.bz2" $JHALFSDIR/pkg_tarball_list
| head -n1 ) ;;

But the tarball name will probably not be linux-headers-*.bz2. It will
probably be linux-2.6.18.x since you do the installation straight from
the kernel tarball. Basic procedure is this:

tar -xf linux-2.6.18.x.tar.bz2
cd linux-2.6.18.x
make mrproper
make headers_check # For testing
make INSTALL_HDR_PATH=/tools headers_install

The only gotcha is in the last step because headers_install does `rm
-rf $INSTALL_HDR_PATH/include'.

What about something like:

tar -xf linux-2.6.18.x.tar.bz2
cd linux-2.6.18.x
mkdir /tools/tmp
make mrproper
make headers_check # For testing
make INSTALL_HDR_PATH=/tools/tmp headers_install
cp -R /tools/tmp/include/* /tools/include
rm -r /tools/tmp



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