Alan Lord <lord_alan <at>> writes:
> PPS - What ever happened to Jeremy Huntwork?

I fell into a large vat of toxic waste and was transformed into a mighty
superhero. (Powdered Toast Man?) Been too busy fighting crime to help with LFS.

Actually, some time ago I emailed several of the core xLFS team members to tell
them that my personal life and available time no longer allowed me to continue
with LFS. I didn't mention it publicly because I had left on previous occasions
and then returned shortly afterwards. I didn't want to make a scene, so I
figured it was best to just leave quietly. I'm no longer subscribed to any of
the LFS lists, but every once in a while I'll scan the mail archives just to see
what's going on.

While I'm replying, I must say Randy's "Dead Project" thread was pretty
interesting and right on point. (FWIW, I do sincerely apologize for any hole or
gap my absence has added to the project.) My personal feelings on a solution
might be somewhat radical and I'm not sure that just now is a good time to bring
them up. At some near future point, I think I will speak on it further here,
provided the poor state of affairs in LFS continues. It is actually something
that has been on my mind for some time and, considering that a new job I'm
taking should open up some more free time for me, I'm keen on doing some sort of
active development again.

Anyway, thanks for thinking of me, Alan. It was a privilege to be involved so
much with LFS and to leave a mark. :)


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