On Mon, May 22, 2006 at 12:06:21PM -0700, Jim Gifford wrote:
>       Making a unified package of rules, with targets make install-lfs 
> and make install-clfs. Going through each of the rules and figure out 
> which are common and which are specific. If that won't work, still have 
> a unified package, but with LFS and CLFS rules in separate folders. But 
> keeping a unified package.

Thanks a lot for the plagarism. This is the same proposal I made to you
in a private email (and one where you never gave any comment).

Thanks a whole helluva lot, Jim.

The original unedited message is below.

----- Forwarded message from Archaic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

To: Jim Gifford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Archaic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 21:27:18 -0600
User-Agent: Mutt/1.4.1i
Subject: Re: RFC: new/changed udev rules - Part 1


> As far as the difference on the permissions it depends on the builder.

This isn't about what kind a person might want to do to customize his
system. It's about setting sane permissions. The perms could easily be
made more strict, but that isn't my goal. They could also be made more
relaxed and then you could run into problems. What I presented is
generally common among distros. If only one distro does something
different than the rest, then I wouldn't use their method unless I knew
exactly why they did it that way (which requires knowing a lot more
about a distro than reasonable just to go the way of the odd-man-out).

> There is no right/wrong way, it's a SWAG at best.

I think you are missing my goal here. My goal is to incorporate common
device rules between CLFS/HLFS/LFS. What I would like to see is
something like this (the filesnames aren't important, I'm just making
them up as I type):

05-base-early.rules         <-- commonly needed initial rules
06-mips-early.rules         <-- commonly needed initial rules
06-sparc-early.rules        <-- commonly needed initial rules

15-base-device.rules        <-- all devices common between the 3 books
16-mips-device.rules        <-- arch-specific devices
16-sparc-device.rules       <-- arch-specific devices

30-base-modprobe.rules      <-- all modprobe rules common between the 3
31-mips-modprobe.rules      <-- arch-specific modprobe rules (if any)
31-sparc-modprobe.rules     <-- arch-specific modprobe rules (if any)
35-base-firmware.rules      <-- all firmware rules common between the 3
36-mips-firmware.rules      <-- arch-specific firmware rules (if any)
36-sparc-firmware.rules     <-- arch-specific firmware rules (if any)

50-base-persistance.rules   <-- common to all 3 books
51-mips-persistance.rules   <-- arch-specific (if any)
51-sparc-persistance.rules  <-- arch-specific (if any)

Do you see the pattern? The above is just arbitrary examples. It's the
pattern that I'm concerned with. With that kind of pattern, we can have
a unified udev rules tarball with different Makefile targets to support
the different needs. Something like:

make               for all common rules. Suitable for LFS (alias of make base)
make base          for all common rules. Suitable for LFS
make hlfs          installs 'base' plus anything else needed
make clfs-<arch>   installs 'base' plus any arch-specific rules

This is why I am listing differences between CLFS/LFS. The email is my
notepad that I keep my notes on (as well as a means of people fixing my
mistakes as I go).


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