It is time to start considering a new LFS release.

I see that we are behind on gcc and glibc as gcc-4.1 and glibc-2.4 have
been released.

The kernel is about to release 2.6.16 (they have been on 2.6.16-rc5 for
about two weeks now) so we are quite a bit behind there.

I'm not sure what the status of the udev branch is.  I haven't seen much
activity there for a while.

Perhaps an update to the Roadmap on the wiki and some target dates there
would help.

The reason I'm asking is that BLFS needs to go into a different mode to
get out a companion release and there have been a lot of significant
updates including X, Gnome, and KDE since the last stable release.  That
includes rebuilding all the packages with the latest toolchain once that
gets frozen in LFS.

  -- Bruce
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