On Thu, Mar 09, 2006 at 11:11:41AM +0000, Matt Darcy wrote:
> If your considering the new 2.6.16 kernel as a justification to update, 
> then surly the LLH / Raw headers should be a consideration, as moving 
> everything else forward and keeping on the 2.6.12 headers seems a little 
>  odd.

Keeping the old llh, to be sure, is not the goal, but it seems to work
and can be useful until another method has stabilized enough for
inclusion. From what I've read, inotify is the only thing that keeps
popping up and a patch will satisify that. The 2.6.16 update will be
less of a problem than the glibc-2.4 update, which appears will be the
absolute furthest threshold in our timeline to replace the old llh.


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