On 1/24/06, Jeremy Huntwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, if you could spell out your steps exactly when doing an ICA (or
> point me to the thread if you've said before and I missed it) that might
> help - more might offer to start running the comparisons.

Fortunately, I have an unpacked set of scripts online.  This file:


does all the work for me.  do_ica_prep and do_ica_work are basically
lifted right from gsbuild:


do_ica_prep is called at the end of the iteration.  Copies the files
to a temporary location and gets the files ready for diffing.  The
comments should be helpful as to what's being done (stripping,
unpacking archives, etc.)  When everything is done, do_ica_work is
called to compare the temp dirs from two iterations.  This does the
actual diffing and reporting.

do_farce_prep is just a call to copy the files right now. 
do_farce_work does everything, but it's just a wrapper around Ken's
own filelist and farce tools.  You can look at both of them here:


This is a patched farce-001-5 to more closely resemble do_ica_prep. 
All I added was to strip symbols from static binaries before diffing
and stripping the debug symbols from .o members of unpacked .a
archives.  Whether that's valid or not, I don't know.

So, filelist makes a list of all the files with some exceptions. 
Actually, I completely circumvent most of filelist's decisions with
the do_ica_files function so that filelist works in a temporary area. 
farce then does the file processing and diffing in for two iterations
in parallel, so I have to wait till all the iterations are done before
I call do_farce_work.  farce gives greater detail on results among
other things.

> Also, as Greg once mentioned, I'm a little interested in putting
> ICA/farce support usage into jhalfs. That too, might make the work a bit
> easier. If you feel like helping with that as well... ;)

I'd be glad to contribute.  make is not my specialty (I live in the
land of bash), but I think I can give some ideas about looping the
build and creating ICA targets.

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