Randy McMurchy wrote:

Because LFS is all about "Your Distro, Your Rules".

There are many package management systems. To employ one as the
standard for LFS purposes defeats the whole purpose of "choice".

I had said "(some of)" but I should have explained it a bit further. Matthias' hint is only partially about package management. When I read it, I got much more strongly the feeling that it was about knowing what was installed and where and why and gaining control over the system. One point that hint me really hard was this:

"Let's say I have written a program that you would like to use. To make it easier for you I come over to install it for you. Would you give me the root account and then leave the room ? No ? Then why do you give it to complete strangers who you have never seen in your life, to install software packages pulled from some Internet server, that come with no warranty and don't even list their contents in the README, although they will happily spread them all over your system ?

It is a mystery why Unix admins who wouldn't even trust their employer with more than a normal user account carelessly execute complex and incomprehensible installation scripts with full root rights."

LFS should continue to offer a no-frills, base system that works,
without resorting to gimmicks and other ploys with the notion that
it would "broaden the horizons" of users.

I wasn't thinking of it as a gimmick or ploy. It really wasn't at all about limiting the control of the user, but indeed strengthening it. My focus with including this wasn't about package management, but about helping the user control how packages are installed.

Users need to be able to determine what is best for themselves, not
be told what system (of many) they need to use for package management.

I agree. And from this it it sounds like you haven't actually read Matthias' hint.

Users should be advised as to what is available, how to research
and make a wise decision, and then employ what works for them.

Agreed again. And again it sounds like you haven't read his hint. ;)

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