Bruce Dubbs wrote:
Randy McMurchy wrote:

Jeremy Huntwork wrote these words on 11/24/05 21:23 CST:

It is a mystery why Unix admins who wouldn't even trust their employer with more than a normal user account carelessly execute complex and incomprehensible installation scripts with full root rights."

I agree.  Unfortunately there are a lot of admins who aren't worth spit.
 Its especially a problem for other OSs.  :)

I'm sorry, but isn't that in a way what we encourage the users of LFS and BLFS to do? We give them step-by-step instructions on how to set-up entire systems, telling them liberally to run 'make install' as root. Now while they can certainly dig through each package and find out for themselves what things will be done on a 'make install' we nowhere encourage them to do that. They could also run a 'make DESTDIR=~/test/ install' or some such thing before running 'make install' as root, but again we never suggest it. I believe the effect is that the majority of our readers (who I also suspect are *not* system admins by trade) carelessly run 'make install' just as Matthias mentioned in his text.

From what I can see, the suggestions Matthias puts forth in his hint are very much in harmony with what I perceive is the stance you and Randy take on proper admin procedure.

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