Matthew Burgess wrote: > Note that BLFS-6.1 assumes LFS-6.1 as a base, therefore I'd think that > BLFS-6.1.1 (if there is such a release) will assume LFS-6.1.1. As such, > I don't consider OOo2 to be an issue as it's not in an existing release > of BLFS. Xine may be a different issue, though as I said, we've still > got time to fix this if someone can volunteer the necessary time to > verify the bug and the effectiveness of the patch.
I am undecided right now about a BLFS 6.1.1. One issue we had with 6.1 was openssh, but that was a glibc issue that I believe is fixed in LFS 6.1.1. -- Bruce -- FAQ: Unsubscribe: See the above information page