DJ Lucas wrote:
Sorry it's so last minute with release scheduled in 6 days, but I'd
suggest testing this patch for inclusion in 6.1.1. I have tested and
verified only on 2.3.5.
I don't have time to test this myself, so I'm going to have to ask
someone else to do a full 6.1.1-pre1 build without the patch and ensure
the bug this fixes can be triggered. If so, I'll add the patch
(assuming further testing shows the patch does indeed fix the problem).
If it's too
late for inclusion in the book, that would be bad for BLFS WRT OOo2 and
possibly some issues with Xine, but at least please make mention of it
in the eratta after it's been tested.
Note that BLFS-6.1 assumes LFS-6.1 as a base, therefore I'd think that
BLFS-6.1.1 (if there is such a release) will assume LFS-6.1.1. As such,
I don't consider OOo2 to be an issue as it's not in an existing release
of BLFS. Xine may be a different issue, though as I said, we've still
got time to fix this if someone can volunteer the necessary time to
verify the bug and the effectiveness of the patch.
Thanks for highlighting the issue!
PS: Apologies for the earlier blank reply - a little too hasty with the
'Send' key, I'm afraid :(
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