Bernard Leak wrote:
> Dear List,
>                  here are some suggested alterations
> to 'functions' from the lfs bootscripts.  

<Snip the meat of post>

I'm working on bootscripts now.  As for the other problems mentioned
last week, I committed the pidofproc/statusproc changes tonight, but do
we want to restore the old functionality of printing a warning when
something is not running in killproc?  I believe we have three yes' so
far.  Anyone have any preference for the way it is now?

Next, mostly for Matt I think, does this warrant a release for
errata/svn?  If so, I still need to tweak the output of the warning
message (if it is decided to be), and take care of the comments in the
preceeding post.  I'd suggest to roll a 2.3.3-pre1 after the above are
completed, and wait for Nathan's return to christen it. :-)

-- DJ Lucas
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