Randy McMurchy wrote:
> DJ Lucas wrote these words on 08/14/05 23:31 CST:
>> but do
>>we want to restore the old functionality of printing a warning when
>>something is not running in killproc?  I believe we have three yes' so
>>far.  Anyone have any preference for the way it is now?
> Gosh, it is a no-brainer DJ. Chalk me up for a 'yes'.

Okay....then I must be brainless tonight.  :-)  The question above reads
weird in context.  Sorry about that.

Is that yes - I'd like to see a nice green '[  OK  ]' when I stop an
already stopped process (the way it is now, which _is_ correct by the
exit status)?  Or is that yes - I'd like to see a yellow 'Warning: not
running     [ WARN ]' when I stop it (which also returns 0 as is
required for LSB)? :-)  Hopefully that reads a little better.

-- DJ Lucas
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