Randy McMurchy wrote:
C'mon Jim, work this out off list. Nobody here gives a shit about
all this. We only care about the technical stuff. You say "instead of
opening this up in the public eye", yet you won't let it go. Please
drop it.

Nobody cares.

Incorrect. You forget that Jim was away from vacation when the rest of us 'got past' this thread. Now that he's back, he's perfectly in his place to defend himself against the public accuasations that were made against him. It seems that some don't recognize how serious the allegations were that Greg made. It has the potential to reach beyond LFS.

I for one am very glad that Jim replied with his research trail, and whereas the rest of us have replied to this thread out of interest for LFS and the direction of the community, Jim has done so out of a much more personal interest. He deserves his say in the matter so please don't try to deny him that oppurtunity.

What's more, he's done so in a dignified and rational manner, he hasn't at all been accusatory or rash, so his messages could hardly be found an attempt to have the last say in the matter.

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