Greg Schafer wrote:

Jim Gifford wrote:

So as you can see, yes I did look at Greg's scripts, but I did not use them. What I don't understand here Greg is why you can say I stole your work and didn't give you credit,

Jim, never once have I used the word "stolen". The changes you made to the
LFS Cross build made it look *remarkably* like my proof-of-concept cross
scripts. Like I said in the beginning, this is a good thing, because it's
the right thing. If you have learned something from my research, even tho'
you didn't implement my recommendations exactly, then I am elated.

"After looking at your commit in detail, it's quite clear to me that you've "borrowed" elements of my research when making these massive changes. I don't mind you doing that, because it's a step in the right direction, but could you please do the proper and ethical thing and at least give credit where credit is due? I suspect Gerard and Matt will be rather unhappy if their team members are participating in unethical practices. For the record, I've learned a lot from studying Ryan's scripts and should I ever produce some cross compilation documentation I will be acknowledging thework in Cross-lfs, along with Crosstool, etc, etc, etc..."

The way this is worded Greg implies that I stole the ideas from you.

Look, if the LFS cross build has any hope of becoming the mainstream
build, it needs to be technically correct. I am here trying to help out.
Ryan was man enough to make peace. How about you Jim? For the betterment
of everybody, let's just get on with making a perfect cross build eh?
Are you man enough to apologize for false allegations? Look through the threads on this discussion.

Unethical practices (That's calling the kettle black)
No technical toolchain knowledge. (You have never talked with me, so you don't know my skill set.)

How do you expect me to work with you on something when you attacked me like you did, what you did was totally uncalled for and unacceptable by moral standards. You should of communicated to me privately, instead of opening this up in the public eye, where this discussion will stay, to protect us both.


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