Because of the controversy of the changes made in cross-lfs and everyone
asking why, what, where, and how, here is the roadmap for those changes.
I did keep notes.
In the MIPS build, I was experimenting with removal of packages, which
anyone can verify that I've been doing. Ryan and I were talking in June
about how to get around the libgcc_eh dependency, yes I looked at Greg's
scripts and noticed that he patches GCC, and creates a symlink. In my
book patching GCC should only be done when neccessary, to me there had
to be a better solution. I stumbled upon another patch for gcc,, but again I'm
against patching gcc. If you follow the thread you see that people also
said that they were symlinkling libgcc.a to libgcc_eh.a, similar to what
Greg does in his scripts.
Still not satisified, I did some more looking around. I found a
mk-cross-gcc scripts, that had something
way different in it, a patch for glibc to remove the dependency of
libgcc_eh.a, but I still wasn't conviced, but this is the direction I
wanted to go in, a simple patch to glibc. Then I stumbled on the T2
project, a fork of Rock Linux,
which Rene Rebe is a part of, someone I respected, Had a similar patch
to the one in mk-cross-gcc, which is the one I decided to us, and yes I
did put Rene Rebe's name into patch since it wasn't my own.
Based on the research and the addition of the patch, it was no-longer
necessary to build gcc-static, gcc-shared, glibc-startfiles, and
glibc-headers for the architectures. I then moved the MIPS
gcc-no-threads to gcc-static and started my test builds on all
architectures, MIPS, MIPS64, Sparc, Sparc64, and PPC64. But when I got
to x86, I ran into a problem, it couldn't find some headers that are
unique to glibc, so instead of patches gcc, I just added an extra step
back to the x86 and x86_64, I didn't fully test x86_64 because it seems
to be similar to x86, will do that next week. I added the glibc-headers
back to x86 and x86_64 builds.
So as you can see, yes I did look at Greg's scripts, but I did not use
them. What I don't understand here Greg is why you can say I stole your
work and didn't give you credit, when I patch glibc to fix the issue and
you don't. I think you owe me an apology. Greg you talk about giving
credit to people's who work you use, I don't see such a page on your
website, giving credit to individual's where it's due.
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