Greg Schafer wrote:
jim wrote:
Where is the development happening? I do not see it happening on the LFS
lists. Where is Ryan lately?
Right now there is no major discussions occuring with the cross-lfs
book, on or off of the lists.
The cross-lfs branch of the LFS book is in nearly do-as-you-please mode.
Jim has been just about the only person working on it for several
weeks now. I'm nearly the only other person who touches that book and I
have been busy with other things. Ryan never edits the book himself and
focuses largely on his scripts upon which the book for the most part is
based. When Jim or myself have a particular question concerning the
scripts, we'll usually fire off a message to Ryan (or talk to him
directly on IRC if he's around).
So my point is: Jim's been working on the book to a large extent by
himself for the past few weeks and his goal is just to get a sane-ish
book ready for public review and comments and suggestions. (Also for the
addition of text.) So perhaps a little slack should be allowed him here,
it's not like there's been a lot of things *to* discuss or approach the
community about as yet.
On the other hand, Jim, I do think you could try to be a little more
vocal with the rest of the community on the lists, regardless of whether
or not you think they agree with you.
BTW, where did Jim say that the book was ready for drop-in text? I don't
recall seeing that at all... did I miss something? The book probably
*is* ready, though, for one or more experienced LFSers to grab it and
start testing.
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