> On Mar 31, 2018, at 9:03 AM, Eric Luehrsen <ericluehr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 03/25/2018 03:27 AM, Philip Prindeville wrote:
>> Thinking Bind, probably.
>>> On Mar 23, 2018, at 5:38 PM, Eric Luehrsen <ericluehr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> What do you want to serve your dns then? Unbound or Bind?
>>> - Eric
>>> On Fri, Mar 23, 2018, 1:31 PM Philip Prindeville 
>>> <philipp_s...@redfish-solutions.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> As the ISC-DHCP maintainer, I need to eat my own dogfood so I run that 
>>> here, before anyone quips, “Why don’t you just run dnsmasq instead?”
>>> So… I have some internal names that I want to be able to resolve 
>>> internally, but I also need to provide DNS service for all of my DHCP 
>>> clients.
>>> Is there a way to prime a “fake” local zone (or cache) and run a caching 
>>> only nameserver that’s been primed with this “split-horizon” info (i.e. the 
>>> local names for machines on, etc)?
>>> Or equally, have DHCP prime the local names into the DNS as they get 
>>> allocated (well, that wouldn’t fully solve my problem as my mail server has 
>>> a statically allocated IP address, so DHCP wouldn’t know about that).
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Philip
> With Bind, you will also need to install rndc "remote named control." 
> Otherwise you need to reload bind when the zonefile is changed. That purges 
> the recursion cache. You will need to declare the local domain and local ptr 
> domain as static-stub zones (data local only to bind). You can add forwarders 
> to those zones for static corporate resources manged by another DNS server. 
> You then need a script call from dhpcd to parse its lease file and write a 
> zonefile for the local domain and local pointer domain each. After those are 
> written, rndc calls to reload the two respective zones without restarting all 
> of Bind.
> With Unbound, the OpenWrt package already supports odhcpd for this. It would 
> make a reasonable example for dhcpd and bind. Although both dhcpd and bind 
> have complex lease and configuration formats. I haven't used dhcpd on 
> embedded equipment. Maybe someone could add dhcpd to Unbound conversion 
> script.
> - Eric

Hi Eric,

Thanks for the great feedback.

I’m working with Daniel Golle and Noah Meyerhans on some “glue” to do the 

First off is adding support to ISC-DHCP to allow specifying a site-wide domain, 
and explicit DHCP options analogous to what dnsmasq supports.

That’s here:


Was going to add you to the discussion but can’t figure out your Github handle.

As soon as that’s merged (waiting on a sign-off from Golle) I’ll get back to 
working on the glue, which is in draft form.


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