Hi all,

As the ISC-DHCP maintainer, I need to eat my own dogfood so I run that here, 
before anyone quips, “Why don’t you just run dnsmasq instead?”

So… I have some internal names that I want to be able to resolve internally, 
but I also need to provide DNS service for all of my DHCP clients.

Is there a way to prime a “fake” local zone (or cache) and run a caching only 
nameserver that’s been primed with this “split-horizon” info (i.e. the local 
names for machines on, etc)?

Or equally, have DHCP prime the local names into the DNS as they get allocated 
(well, that wouldn’t fully solve my problem as my mail server has a statically 
allocated IP address, so DHCP wouldn’t know about that).

Any ideas?



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