On Sun, 14 May 2017, Giuseppe Lippolis wrote:

*) branding
- the owrt side sees no option of using the lede brand

- a (minor) majority voted for openwrt as a name over lede whilst most
people said they did not care

- as the last vote had a 100% ACK for a remerge using the owrt brand is
only feasible option

Passionate: I start to develop with lede, therefore I'm fond to this brand.
More rational: Lede differ from OWRT because it should be more open to
generic embedded architecture. IMHO this is a big advantage compared to OWRT
that shall be kept.

and others are equally passionate in the other direction, while still others are less passionate.

But the vote is the vote, and stating how passionate you are on one side or another doesn't alter the vote.

David Lang

Lede-dev mailing list

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