On 05/27/2016 01:43 AM, Delbar Jos wrote:
> Hi all,
> At Technicolor we have followed with great interest the recent proposals to 
> enhance OpenWrt with an open source solution for TR-069 remote management. As 
> one of the world's largest vendors of modems and routers for carrier 
> applications, making use of OpenWrt in a significant share of our install 
> base, we want to support this initiative in a meaningful way. Concretely, we 
> are willing to open source Technicolor's in-house TR-069 solution and thereby 
> contribute to OpenWrt:
>  * a TR-069 protocol agent,
>  * a data model mapping framework that we use to bridge the world of OpenWrt, 
> UCI, UBUS ... with the world of TR-069, TR-098, TR-181 ... (and by extension 
> with the world of SNMP, MIB, NETCONF, YANG ...),
>  * a set of mappings.

That is really nice to hear. For me personally it looks like the remote
management with TR-069 and similar protocols is one of the biggest
extensions commercial vendors add to the user space of OpenWrt to make
it fit their needs.

In addition to the TR-* family does this also include support for SNMP,

> We are conscious of the fact that together with the proposals made by Felix, 
> Luka and Wojtek we are now looking at many "competing" proposals. As a next 
> step, we recommend to organize a workshop, at a practical location and time, 
> where we put everything on the table and define the most appropriate path 
> forward to the benefit of OpenWrt as a whole.

That's good to hear, would it also be possible that other interested
people can join such a workshop?

> TR-069 is a complicated remote management system and in order to make this 
> initiative a success, we must ensure that the complexity is handled in an 
> elegant way and with respect for OpenWrt's core architecture. More than on 
> the protocol itself, we believe that we should focus on the architectural 
> enhancements required to support remote management in general.
> Looking forward to hearing from you.
> Jos Delbar & Dirk Feytons
> Technicolor


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