On Thu, 26 May 2016, Delbar Jos wrote:

We are conscious of the fact that together with the proposals made by Felix, Luka and Wojtek we are now looking at many "competing" proposals. As a next step, we recommend to organize a workshop, at a practical location and time, where we put everything on the table and define the most appropriate path forward to the benefit of OpenWrt as a whole.

nothing wrong with supporting many different remote management daemons.

TR-069 is a complicated remote management system and in order to make this initiative a success, we must ensure that the complexity is handled in an elegant way and with respect for OpenWrt's core architecture. More than on the protocol itself, we believe that we should focus on the architectural enhancements required to support remote management in general.

What is it that you think is needed to "support remote management in general"?

It's worth pointing out that many people are remotely managing OpenWRT devices, Ansible/Salt/Puppet/Chef/etc are all common tools for the job.

now, those are all tools aimed at managing Linux Servers, not networking gear, but OpenWRT is a server.

So I'd suggest starting off by creating a daemon that talks <your protocol> and just stores the stuff it's sent in some simple files so that it can return the info when queried.

Once you have something that talks the network protocol correctly, modifying it to change the real files, make uci calls, etc for different distros is much easier (just write your daemon with the expectation that the input and output details are going to change, so don't get fancy with them).

David Lang

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