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> On Feb 23, 2020, at 7:14 AM, Dick Groskamp <th.grosk...@quicknet.nl.invalid> 
> wrote:
> Op 22-2-2020 om 22:28 schreef Andrea Pescetti:
>> Dick Groskamp wrote:
>>> Started hunting the superfluous whitespace in the code pages
>> This is great, but can you please consolidate the numerous PRs into one (or 
>> one per day)? We had only 32 PRs on Github so far and you added 40 more, 
>> which makes the review process more complex.
>> If you can create a new branch including all your PRs (and ideally removing 
>> the end-of-file newline differences) this would be much more convenient. All 
>> redundant PRs will be automatically closed once the "big one" is merged, so 
>> no need to modify them.
>> Of course, keeping all individual commits is absolutely fine. I'm just 
>> asking to have all of them in one PR; either git merge or git cherry-pick 
>> will work well for this.
>> Regards,
>>   Andrea.
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> Andrea,
> thanks for the feedback.
> However, I'm not that a technician with GitHub and I don't have write access.
> I've looked into the Help of GitHub to learn about merging PR's, but learned 
> that you should have write access, which I haven't.

In looking at https://whimsy.apache.org/roster/committee/openoffice it looks 
like your DiGro GitHub username is mapped. You should have write access as a 
committer. You should show as a member of the Apache-openoffice group. There 
may be an infrastructure issue.

> When I make a PR I'don't have an option to merge it with older/newer ones (I 
> think, at least I don't see it anywhere)
> Regarding " and ideally removing the end-of-file newline differences"  I'm 
> not sure what you mean by that.
> I haven't touched the end of the files, most changes are in the beginning of 
> files.
> I did notice a red mark in some files at the end though, but don't know what 
> they mean
> Can you tell me how to  fix it ?

> -- 
> DiGro
> ___________________________
> Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7 (Dutch) and scanned with Ziggo Safe Online (F-Secure)
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