Hello Taavi,

you mean (white)spaces marked with dots?

You can leave them out.

We should remove them from the English cde too,

In the code there are many many whitespaces, so we need help and it
takes time.

Kind regards

Am 21.02.20 um 20:31 schrieb Taavi Kaevats:
> Hi,
> Translations i should be based on english, right?
> for some reason however i often see strings that are different in
> english than in any other language..
> For example, what are the purposes of these dots in english version
> here on the screenshot:
> https://pasteboard.co/IVKvLZL.png
> Should i include the dots (␠␠ when i copy-paste) into my translation?
> (German and French both have 100% complete status for specific
> project. Being identical to eachother but differ from English)
> Regards,
> Taavi
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Mechtilde Stehmann
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