Am 20.02.20 um 20:17 schrieb Czesław Wolański:
> Hi,
> Matthias - you remember I had immense difficulties to find "Search" field.
> Now could anyone enlighten me where to find the "green download box"???
>  On the download page, right below the green download box, there's a line
>  > starting with "Release […] | Build ID […] | Git hash […]"
> As to translation of word "hash" - I fully agree with Matthias  - it is
> possible but not advisable. In Polish we have "hasz" which is exact
> reflection of how this world is pronounced in English. French... they - as
> usual - try to devise equivalent - but finally they'll fail (take example
> of word "weekend" - French tried desperately to promote "fin de la semaine"
> and ended up with "le weekend".

Actually it was Marcus... ;-)

I also think, that "Git hash" is a well known term, that doesn't need to
be translated.



> Regards,
> Czesław Wolański
> Le jeu. 20 févr. 2020 à 20:02, Marcus <> a écrit :
>> Am 20.02.20 um 16:53 schrieb Aivaras Stepukonis:
>>> On the download page, right below the green download box, there's a line
>>> starting with "Release […] | Build ID […] | Git hash […]". I'd like to
>>> translate the word "hash" but can't locate it in the HTML files. I was
>>> expecting to find it in "msg_prop_l10n_en.js/msg_prop_l10n_lt.js" but
>>> couldn't. Does anyone have an idea/inkling where it's coming from?
>> you can find it here:
>> .../ooo-site/trunk/content/download/release_matrix.js
>> As we have changed from SVN to Git recently I've put it there. Otherwise
>> I need to query which release should be displayed and decide with a JS
>> logic if "SVN" or "Git" has to be written in tothe light green box.
>> I hope it's OK for you to keep this is in English. IMHO the word "hash"
>> is not too special so that a translation isn't really needed.
>> BTW:
>> In German it would be "Prüfsumme" which is much longer and IMHO it
>> sounds a bit bulky. ;-)
>> Marcus
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