On 2020-01-04 at 7:53, Matthias Seidel <matthias.sei...@hamburg.de> wrote:
>Hi Keith,
Hi Matthias;

>Am 02.01.20 um 19:10 schrieb Keith N. McKenna:
>> On 2019-12-30 at 17:10, i Oromo <ioromoa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello my name is Iskander Idris and I'm from Ethiopia, Oromia region.
>>> Please create a Pootle account for me. I state that my contributions are
>>> under
>>> the Apache 2 license and I will work on Afaan Oromoo,  My preferred
>>> username is ...<AfaanOromo2020>. I developed 20 years ago an Oromo Word
>>> processor called Oromosoft Oromiffa
>>> <http://www.bisharat.net/wikidoc/pmwiki.php/PanAfrLoc/Oromiffa>,
>>> Respectfully,
>>> Iskander Idris
>>  Welcome! Account afaanoromo2020 created and enabled for Oromoo. Please
>> that your preferred was changed as by convention all user names are lower
>> case.
>> Please go to https://translate-update.apache.org/accounts/password/reset/
>> receive your password.
>In fact this is
>Hopefully we can switch the server some time to the old URL...
>   Matthias

Thank you for catching my typo Mattias. Unfortunately I did one than just did
a copy and paste to the other. As far as the possible switch to the old URL,
In the next few daysIplan to update
https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Pootle_User_Guide/Managing_Pootle by
commenting out the e-mail template for the old URL and Adding one for the new
URL. That way if we do switch back to the old one at some point the sections
can just be reveresd and the old URL restored


>> Then you will able to login at
>> https://translate-update.apache.org/. After you login you will this will
>> take you to the projects page to start translating. Both OpenOffice
>> projects can be translated but we suggest that the UI project be done
>> first. This is because the UI MUST be 100% translated to be included in
>> a release. Of course it is better that both are complete
>> A detailed Poodle guide is available at
>> http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Pootle_User_Guide
>> If you don't want to miss announcements you should subscribe to this
>> mailinglist: send an empty e-mail message to
>> l10n-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org and
>> respond to the confirmation request you will receive.

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