Hi Keith,

Am 02.01.20 um 19:10 schrieb Keith N. McKenna:
> On 2019-12-30 at 17:10, i Oromo <ioromoa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello my name is Iskander Idris and I'm from Ethiopia, Oromia region.
>> Please create a Pootle account for me. I state that my contributions are
>> under
>> the Apache 2 license and I will work on Afaan Oromoo,  My preferred
>> username is ...<AfaanOromo2020>. I developed 20 years ago an Oromo Word
>> processor called Oromosoft Oromiffa
>> <http://www.bisharat.net/wikidoc/pmwiki.php/PanAfrLoc/Oromiffa>,
>> Respectfully,
>> Iskander Idris
>  Welcome! Account afaanoromo2020 created and enabled for Oromoo. Please note
> that your preferred was changed as by convention all user names are lower
> case.
> Please go to https://translate-update.apache.org/accounts/password/reset/ to
> receive your password.

In fact this is

Hopefully we can switch the server some time to the old URL...



> Then you will able to login at
> https://translate-update.apache.org/. After you login you will this will
> take you to the projects page to start translating. Both OpenOffice
> projects can be translated but we suggest that the UI project be done
> first. This is because the UI MUST be 100% translated to be included in
> a release. Of course it is better that both are complete
> A detailed Poodle guide is available at
> http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Pootle_User_Guide
> If you don't want to miss announcements you should subscribe to this
> mailinglist: send an empty e-mail message to
> l10n-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org and
> respond to the confirmation request you will receive.

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