Hi all,

Mechtilde was able to import Oromo translations from OOo 3.3.0.

The UI is at 85%:

Help is at 92%:

Of course there will be a lot of strings to be revised but I think this
is a good start!

Additionally I was able to build a Windows version (Pre-Preview):

Can we now create a Pootle account for Iskander?



Am 31.12.19 um 18:18 schrieb Matthias Seidel:
> Hi,
> You are welcome!
> Am 30.12.19 um 23:10 schrieb i Oromo:
>> Hello my name is Iskander Idris and I'm from Ethiopia, Oromia region.
>>  Please create a Pootle account for me. I state that my contributions are
>> under
>> the Apache 2 license and I will work on Afaan Oromoo,  My preferred
>> username is ...<AfaanOromo2020>. I developed 20 years ago an Oromo Word
>> processor called Oromosoft Oromiffa
>> <http://www.bisharat.net/wikidoc/pmwiki.php/PanAfrLoc/Oromiffa>,
> A moderator will soon give you information on how to login to Pootle:
> https://translate-upgrade.apache.org (This URL might change some time
> since we are updating the server)
> Meanwhile we are trying to import the existing translations from OOo 3.3.0:
> https://www.openoffice.org/om/
> Regards,
>    Matthias
>> Respectfully,
>> Iskander Idris

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